Or rather, it drools... on everything.
I didn't realize that teething affects everything. It isn't just pain in his mouth. It increases the acidity, which increases the drool. The acidity makes his stomach upset, which then makes his intestines and diapers worse. What I didn't know is that they can drool for months before the teeth come in. Teeth are also very fickle - they can move around beneath the gums, start to come up, and then change their mind again.
I mean, really??
Poor kid. His lower two front teeth are pushing their way through the gums. I can actually see the gums being split and the sharp little tooth rudely pushing its way up to the air. We've tried Tylenol, Advil, and teethers, and each child responds differently to each. Our little one finally responds well to Hyland's Teething Tablets. They are little white tabs that dissolve in his mouth almost instantaneously. They calm him down, but what do we do at night? Tylenol and Advil (alternate every three hours), nursing, and the occasional tablet if he's awake enough to manage.
Also, we suffer through and tell ourselves, "This too shall pass." And it will, eventually. Lucky me, I've now come down with a small cold and shared it with the little guy. Cold + teething = up every 90-120 minutes. Ah well, at least he's so damned cute. I can't wait until I can take a picture with his two little chompers peeking out at me...
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